Hazardous wastes are classified on the basis of their biological, chemical, and physical properties. These properties generate materials that are either toxic, reactive, ignitable, corrosive, infectious, or radioactive.
Toxic wastes are poisons, even in very small or trace amounts. They may have acute effects, causing death or violent illness, or they may have chronic effects, slowly causing irreparable harm. Some are carcinogenic, causing cancer after many years of exposure. Others are mutagenic, causing major biological changes in the offspring of exposed humans and wildlife.
Infectious wastes include used bandages, hypodermic needles, and other materials from hospitals or biological research facilities.
Reactive wastes are chemically unstable and react violently with air or water. They cause explosions or form toxic vapors. Ignitable wastes burn at relatively low temperatures and may cause an immediate fire hazard. Corrosive wastes include strong acidic or alkaline substances. They destroy solid material and living tissue upon contact, by chemical reaction.
It is our goal to provide quality and cost-effective residential hazardous waste disposal to every customer we service. SANCO TECHNOLOGIES provides trash pick-up services to municipalities, single-family homes, individual subscription services and homeowner associations.