Non-hazardous waste means waste which is not classified as hazardous waste. All waste materials not specifically deemed hazardous and are considered non hazardous wastes. It includes paper, wood, plastics, glass, metals, and chemicals, as well as other materials generated by industrial, commercial, agricultural, and residential sources.
Even though these wastes are not defined as hazardous, improper management of them poses significant risks to the environment and human health.
For the recycling of different wastes different approved and competent vendors are enlisted as per their specialties to recycle the wastes. All recyclable wastes are collected from clients, segregated and compacted at waste transfer stations. After the proper documentation such wastes are provided to recycling facilities in bulk quantities. These recycling facilities recycle wastes into new household / industrial items or prepare the raw materials.
At SANCO TECHNOLOGIES, We are committed to collect, segregate and recycle all such wastes at state-of-the-art recycling facilities, and these wastes can be brought as a new products. Our vendors have the specially designed facility to support us for the waste solutions in client’s waste management difficulties.