Liquid waste is any form of liquid residue that is hazardous for people and for the environment. It can be bulky or sludgy, or even purely liquid, such as with laboratories’ waste. Usually, this waste form comes from restaurants, cars, homes, any facility that includes washing machines or laboratories, or industrial buildings that utilize tank-clearing operations. Here, it’s found in grease traps, septic tanks, surfactants, wash-waters, prescribed waste, oily water or the more typical medical or clinical wastes, solvents, paint, resins, inks and dyes, photographic waste, pesticides, and laboratory and chemical wastes.
The most threatening liquid waste is found in chemical waste, such as formaldehyde, alcohols, contaminated soil or quarantine waste. All of these can cause serious complication.
If your corporation does not want to cause any damage to the environment or the population around it, consider hiring a liquid waste disposal professional.
This kind of service is able to clean your grease traps and oily waters, leaving your wastes without any sort of hazardous materials that can mix with everyday water use.
Our firm SANCO TECHNOLOGIES can really help you with your grease trap cleaning oily waters, by pumping them out, transporting, treating and disposing of all commercial, retail, hospitality, industrial and domestic liquid wastes and sludges.
If your company takes pride in paying attention to the environment, its clients and the people living around the facilities’ health, consider using our appropriate liquid waste disposal services, we guarantee you will keep the safest and cleanest environment possible.